The failure of the Swan Lake water main loop has dramatically impacted many people in our community. The Native Village of Kotzebue has passed a resolution recognizing the imminent threat to public health and we are working diligently and collaboratively with the City of Kotzebue and the Northwest Arctic Borough, as well as local, state, and federal agencies to limit the impact to people in our community.
We are grateful for the support from NANA Regional Corporation, Maniilaq Association, Northwest Arctic Borough School District, and others. The collaborative efforts of these organizations underscore the commitment to resolving the challenges.
Quick Facts:
- More than 70% of main lines thawed
- Through collaboration with KEA, crews have successfully thawed approximately 5,800 feet of the original 7,800 feet of main water lines
- Crews are actively working to thaw the remaining 2,000 feet of lines
- A “red flag” system allows residents to request water deliveries
- The Northwest Arctic Borough School District, in collaboration with Parks and Recreation, is providing access to shower facilities for affected residents
News Releases & Media Updates:
- Unity in Community – Native Village of Kotzebue, Partners, Collaborate For The Greater Good (May 17, 2024)
- Native Village of Kotzebue Collaborates with KEA Supporting Swan Lake Loop Residents (March 18, 2024)
- Swan Lake Loop Water Line Update – Unified Command Makes Progress (March 6, 2024)
- State of Emergency Declared for Swan Lake Area (February 19, 2024)
Need Help? You May Be Eligible for Assistance
The Native Village of Kotzebue is working diligently to secure additional emergency assistance for impacted Tribal Members. Information related to available resources is posted below. Please bookmark this page and check back frequently for the latest information.
Electric Bill Assistance
NVOK is providing relief to tribal members experiencing increases in electric bills related to the Swan Lake Loop disaster. Working in conjunction with Kotzebue Electric Association, NVOK will pay the monetary difference between a member’s standard electric bill and the increase associated with the state of emergency.
Eligibility guidelines:
- Must be a NVOK Tribal member and provide Tribal verification
- 1 qualifying assistance per member household
- Must reside in Kotzebue as your primary residence
- Must provide NVOK with a copy of electricity bill to verify the difference in costs, or, request that KEA provide NVOK a monthly average of your bill
Download the KEA Electricity Application here.
Thank You to Our Donors and Supporters!
NVOK extends its thanks and extreme gratitude to the following organizations and team members who came together to protect residents, families, and elders after the events of the Swan Lake Loop disaster:
- NVOK Tribal Council
- Alaska Commercial Company
- American Red Cross
- The Salvation Army
- The Food Bank of Alaska
- Walmart
- Gere Tactical
- Kotzebue Fire Department
- FEMA – Tribal Liaisons
- NANA Regional Corporation
- Northwest Arctic Borough
- Full Pallet
- Nasruk Nay Consulting
- Northwest Arctic Borough School District
- Kotzebue Middle/High School
- The Coca-Cola Company
- Maniilaq Association
- Tommy Reed
- Robert J. Allen
- Charlie J. Foster
- Roger Allen
- John Nelson IV
- Zaina McConnell
- Kirk Howarth Sr.
- Shannon Stalker