To provide and share traditional subsistence Niqipiaq (foods) with enrolled Tribal Members 60 years an older who reside (live) within Kotzebue jurisdiction.
Hunter/Applicant Eligibility Requirements and Guidelines:
- Must be an enrolled member of a Tribe who resides in Kotzebue for 30 days or more.
- Must submit a complete signed application.
- Must agree to complete and submit a complete program report.
Applicants who meet the above eligibility requirements are limited to one (1) drum of gas per season and per household, for the spring and fall hunting seasons and one (15) gallons of gas for the summer and winter fishing/berry/hunting seasons, depending on program funding availability and compliance.
To avoid conflict and non-compliance, applications will not be accepted from any other household family member or elder on behalf of a designated hunter/boat owner captain.
Elders Traditional Food Hunter Support Program Reports must be signed and verified by an elder who received a share of the hunt and a staff member of the Native Village of Kotzebue.
The hunter support program is designed where TRUST is dependent on the applicant/hunter to share their subsistence catch with enrolled tribal elders of the Native Village of Kotzebue.
If any false information or reporting is submitted by an applicant repayment of support provided and disqualification to receive program assistance will occur immediately.
Future funding dollars for this program is based on Hunters turning in a complete report form that was provided to them at the time of application approval.
The Native Village of Kotzebue reserves the right to refuse anyone for non-compliance.
The surrounding respective regional Village Tribal Councils administer their own Hunting Support Programs to provide and serve their village community Elders.
We wish you the best of luck in your hunting endeavors and Thank You for putting forth the hard work involved in providing and sharing with the elders of our Tribe.
Downloadable Forms
Hunter Support Application (274 KB)
Program Contact
NVK-Elders Traditional Food Support Hunter Program
Email: Marceline Lee
PO Box 296
Kotzebue, Ak 99752
(907)442-3467 Direct
(907) 442-2162 Fax